Monday, February 27, 2017

3 New Facebook Ad Features to Master in 2017

3 New Facebook Ad Features to Master in 2017
A SPN Exclusive Article by Tina Courtney (c) 2017
"The best Facebook ads look and feel as relevant and timely in your News Feed as the posts you see from your friends."
– Mari Smith, Facebook marketing expert

For better for worse, Facebook, like Google, is in a constant state of transformation. The company regularly implements new aspects and features to its platform; everything from live video broadcasting, to the newly unveiled marketplace.
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Case in point: Facebook Ads. Just when we think we've mastered the myriad of features, new developments arise. An example of this is Facebook's recent decision to begin allowing marketers to advertise in the Instagrams Stories section.

All throughout 2016, Facebook also pushed a slew of ad updates, augmentations, and alterations that helped marketers better target their audiences, create more compelling experiences, and track data in more meaningful ways.

Now, in 2017, the social network is at it again, announcing new features and advertising methods to help brands succeed. They can also help to confuse the heck out of you.
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